In this 2d platformer you'll play as an archeologist who gets trapped within the depths of a mysterious cave. As you explore you'll uncover ancient artifacts that grant you unique abilities that will help you in your escape. 


Move Left: A, Arrow Left, Analog Left, or D-Pad Left

Move Right: 

LeftA, Left ArrowLeft Stick Left, D-pad Left
RightD, Right ArrowLeft Stick Right, D-pad Right
JumpSpaceSony X, Xbox A, Nintendo B
WhipShiftSony O, Sony Square, Xbox B, Xbox X, Nintendo A, Nintendo Y
PauseEscStart, Xbox Menu, Nintendo +

Known bugs:

Occasionally when transitioning between screens, the camera gets locked to a previous level. To fix this, simply select "Respawn" in the pause menu.


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nice mazerun